Ranking Factors That Effect SEO: Part 14

In part 13 we learned about reciprocal links, UGC links, links from 301, schema markup, trust rank, number of outbound links, forum links, word count and quality of linking content, and sitewide links.

131. Rank Brain

RankBrain is one of Google’s Algorithms. This specific algorithm determines the user interactions on the Search Engine Results Page. If a user tends to click on the third result rather than the 1st one on a SERP, RankBrain detects this signal and most probably ranks it at the top.

132. Organic Click-Through Rate for a Keyword

According to Google, pages that get the most click-through rate on a Search Engine Results Page tend to rank higher as compared to the ones that get less CTR.

 133. Organic CTR for All Keywords

It is basically a ‘quality score’ for organic results. Your site may give a user interaction signal to Google, if all keywords appearing on the SERP are visited by Humans. 

134. Bounce Rate

Although not every SEO believes that bounce rate could be a factor for organic rankings. But this can be a quality and user interaction signal to Google. Actually, SEMRUSH conducted a case study which shows the correlation between bounce rate and direct website visitors.

135. Direct Traffic

Google uses Google Chrome’s data to determine how many direct visitors a site gets and how often it gets. Websites that get direct visitors are more likely to rank above the ones that have less direct traffic.

136. Repeat Traffic

Websites that get repeat traffic that users love is bound to rank higher with consistent traffic.

137. Pogo sticking

Pogosticking is another type of bounce than happens frequently on the SERP. Here users click on other results after reading a page on the SERP to know more or satisfy the search intent.

138. Blocked Sites

Although Google discontinued this feature long before but it could be a quality signal that is still used. 

139. Chrome Bookmarks

Google uses data of the users including search intent, keywords, history much more. Bookmarked pages by users/people can be a ranking factor and might give a boost in search rankings. 

 140. Number of Comments

Comments definitely help with organic rankings on Google. They are a signal of user interaction and content quality on a webpage. 

Here is what a Googler had to say about this:

141. Dwell Time

Dwell Time means how much time users actually spend on your website/webpage. The more time spent on a webpage the more it is likely to rank higher on organic SERP.

Read Part 15 of the Ranking Factors That Affect SEO

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